Thursday, January 5, 2012


Wontons are pretty simple to make. My mom taught me how to make them. I still need to learn how to make the wonton noodle soup from her. It is more difficult to make the wonton broth right. I usually get my wonton wrappers at the Asian supermarket. It makes my life so much easier. You can make the dough from scratch, but it is just more work. For the filling I used ground pork mixed with shrimp and shallots (shallots are a milder version of onions). If you prefer beef or chicken, just replace the filling with your preference. You can put anything in these wonton wrappers. It reminds me of making ravioli. If you have kids you can let them help you make these. They will enjoy stuff the wrappers and it's a lot of fun for them. I seasoned the ground pork mixture with fish sauce and pepper. You can start to stuff the wontons after the pork is seasoned. I use a teaspoon of pork for each wonton. You just pinch the sides of the wontons to seal the edges. You boil these wontons for a few minutes and they should be done. How can you tell that they are done? They float to the top of the pot and become translucent. You can eat the wontons by itself or you can eat it with the wonton noodle soup. You can also fry these wontons and dip them in soy sauce.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Everything Tastes Better With Bacon

One word: Bacon. Personally I don't eat that much meat or bacon. I do like bacon, but I like it in moderation. I need to watch out for my cholesterol and my arteries. I don't want a heart attack. I do like to indulge once in awhile. Everything does taste better with bacon. Ever heard of bacon brownies? It sounds totally scrumptious and a heart attack waiting to happen. I'll try making it next time.

I made a spin on the classic "BLT." I made a BLT Salad. Don't let the name fool you; it is just as bad as a regular BLT. The tomatoes, garlic, and chives is smothered in bacon fat. It is just more filling so you eat less. It is almost like an anti-pasta. It is actually very tasty. My brother keeps on asking me to make it again for him. The BLT Salad is creamy when you add the milk and sour cream so it has the texture of alfredo sauce. For those of you who don't like creamy sauce, just put a little milk and sour cream. I usually don't eat creamy sauces or sour cream. Next time I'll put less milk and sour cream.


Gene Mutation That Increases Risk for Lupus Found

Gene Mutation That Increases Risk for Lupus Found

Today I read an article that a gene mutation may cause increase risk for Lupus. I wonder which gene is mutated though. The article did not say. There needs to be more research done. I'm glad that there has been strives made in Lupus research. I just wish there was more that everyone can do. I am so surprise that USC has a Lupus Genetic Group and a designated section for Lupus research. We have a long way to go in Lupus research. I am happy for these small steps that make a difference in every little way.
