Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wedding Fever

I am on a roll tonight. I just feel like de-stressing by writing. Besides I can't sleep, so why roll around in bed when I can write instead. I swear it's wedding fever around here. Many of the people that I went to junior high and high school are getting married this year. It's weird that some of them are popping out babies too. I can't believe that they are my age! Oh well, I'll just be an old maid. In ten years I'll be ready for marriage, just not now. I want to focus on my career and education. I rather have stability first. It looks like there will be another wedding in my family at the end of the year. My cousin Thao and her fiance Richard are planning on getting marry this upcoming December.

About five/six months ago my cousin Julie (Thao's sister) got married to Chris. After meeting Chris for the first time I asked Julie how they meet. There story is absolutely amazing! Julie went to a Rutgers football game in Canada with her friends. Chris, who is a Rutgers' football fanatic, sat in the row in front of Julie. Julie told me that she was pretty drunk, and she started to mess with Chris's hoodie. She kept pulling his hoodie over his head, tied the strings, and put on his sunglasses for him. She also told him that, " You are the unabomer." Chris's friends didn't know why he put up with her antics. At the end of the game Chris asked for Julie's number. She gave it to him, thinking that he probably won't call. She didn't think that she'll ever see him again. After two weeks, Chris finally called Julie. They were together since then. I find it amazing that they were both living in Hoboken at that time. However they met at a Rutgers game in Canada and not Hoboken. Their love story is amazing.

I find that being over 21 at weddings is so much more fun. Julie's wedding day was sunny in November. She was really lucky with the weather. Julie was such a beautiful bride. Her dress was to die for. Her ao dai for the tea ceremony was simply gorgeous. The speeches at her reception made all of us cry. The speeches were my favorite part of the day. You get to see all of the love, and happiness. The photobooth was pretty fun! You can see that Julie and Chris are so in love with each other. They are perfect for each other. I wish you guys luck on having six kids. Julie wants to have six kids. That's quite alot of kids.

Here are some of the pictures from the wedding:

I can't wait for Thao and Richard's wedding! Richard propose to my cousin before the lunar new year. I love how Thao took a photo of her ring and sent it to all of the girl cousins. We have been waiting for Richard to pop the question. We knew that they are going to marry each other. They make a cute couple. Richard did a really good job on the ring. It's very pretty. I am determined to get into shape for their upcoming wedding. I am happy that Chris and Richard treat Julie and Thao well and truly loves them.


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