Monday, July 12, 2010

Starting where I left off

I promise myself that I would continue posting new blogs; however, this past couple of months have been pretty difficult for me especially juggling school, work, and what little social life I had time to spare. Ever since late January of this year I have been feeling fatigue, and sick. I thought that it was just due to stress and a lupus flare. I had all of my usual symptoms of fevers around 101, rashes, night sweats, feeling cold, losing weight, hair falling out, arthritis pain and losing my appetite. I really didn't think anything was wrong even though I felt sick for two months.

March 7th changes everything. It was the night where I was admitted to the hospital again (a year after I was discharged from the hospital). I was asking my parents for advice when they told me to take my temperature that night. It was 104. My mom and dad was like, "Tell your roommate to take you to the hospital now!" I guess I have not been taking good care of my body. On that Friday when I was at work, my co-worker asked me, "Why are you so bundle up?" My reply, "Because I am freezing." My whole body felt so cold from the inside out. I couldn't get warm. I went to the bathroom and noticed that my fingers and lips were blue. That's when I really freaked out, but did nothing about it. When I got to my apartment, I did not want to bother my roommates so I curled up in my bed and tried to get warm ( If you know me, you would know that I hate to inconvenience others). I guess I am lucky that this time the flare was not as bad as last year. Last year my legs would go numb for hours and moving any part of my body was excruciatingly painful. All I wanted to do was scream.

Flash forward to Sunday, I was very disoriented. I was having difficulty breathing, talking, and making coherent thoughts. The ER nurse told me that I should have gone to the hospital sooner. They took x-rays of my lungs and saw abnormalities and decided to admit me. It's scary, not knowing what's wrong with me. I was both scared and anxious at the same time. The doctors gave me medicine to reduce my fever, but my fever would go away and the next day it would spike again. I have develop an aversion to IV needles because of the hospital. The IV needles are so painful. It was not funny when the nurses would keep on poking my arms with the needle to see if there was a vein there to do the blood transfusion. Eventually the doctors diagnosis me with pneumonia and my lupus was acting up. I stayed in the hospital for almost a whole week. When I heard that I had pneumonia, I was really scared since my grandma pasted away from pneumonia 6 years ago.

I was very touched and surprised when my friends visited me in the hospital since I told no one that I was in the hospital. I knew that they had midterms and papers so I didn't want to bother anyone (so I did not say anything). I am very grateful that my parents, and sisters care so much to come up and visit me when I was in the hospital. I made a promise to myself when I was discharged that I would take extremely good care of myself, enjoy life, be happy and to avoid the HOSPITAL. The medical bills are staggering (luckily I have insurance). I don't want to be in debt because of my medical bills...This time around I won't have a problem with keeping up with new posts.


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